
Rating:4.1 (6 votes)
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Pou is a popular digital pet game that allows players to take care of a cute little alien pet. In game, players take care of a cute little alien pet that needs constant attention and care. 

How to play Pou

The alien, also named Pou, is a small, brown creature with a round body and big, black eyes. Pou is not just any ordinary pet; it is an alien from outer space that needs help to survive on Earth.

The game begins by allowing players to customize their Pou's appearance, including its color, shape, and accessories. Once the customization is complete, the player takes responsibility for taking care of their pet, which includes feeding it, cleaning it, and playing with it.

One of the most important aspects of the game is feeding Pou. Players must regularly feed their pet by selecting different foods from the game's menu, such as fruits, vegetables, and meat. Pou's hunger level must be kept in check to ensure that it stays healthy and happy.
Another important aspect of the game is keeping Pou clean. Players can clean Pou by washing it with soap and water, wiping it with a towel, and brushing its teeth. Keeping Pou clean not only helps it stay healthy but also makes it happy.